
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 

I’ve started this blog because I enjoy writing. I’ve wanted to start this project for many years, but haven’t. Why? I guess because I hadn’t written anything yet.

Having not done a thing yet is a great excuse not to do it.

I’m putting these words on the page before I figure out anything else. I don’t know yet where I’ll host this or if I can build an audience. I don’t know what to call it or what font I’ll use. The writing is what’s important.

Why should you want to read what I write? Well, my goal will be to write about the things I’d want to read about. That is what Apple does, I think. “What product would we want to buy for ourselves? Okay, let’s make that.”

I hope my background in technology makes this blog relevant. For the past 12 years, I’ve worked for or with Apple in some capacity or another. It started in college when I began a part-time seasonal job at the Apple Store. After college I went full-time, and later I became a Mac Genius.

Since leaving Apple, I’ve been the IT manager at an ad agency. We use Macs for everything from finance to creative. Print, web, video… every day I get to help people use Macs and iPads to get work done and make fun stuff.

I’ve made Apple my work, but that hasn’t diminished my enthusiasm. Here I’ll write about the products, new and old. I’ll write about Apple as a company, its strategies, and sometimes its competitors. I’ll write about how Apple fits into my work and my life.

While there’s certainly no shortage of Apple opinion on the Internet, I hope to contribute something original here with my writing. And I hope you will enjoy reading.